It's time to get our bellies in tip top shape ladies!!
The biggest excuse for not exercising is not having the time. Well, I'm busting that excuse right now because everyone has 5 minutes. This is something you can even squeeze in at the office on a 5 minute break because all you need... is your own body.
Our core is an area of our body that is so important to keep strong. Everyone wants those sexy abs... but start focusing on strengthening your core and your whole body will benefit. Your core is a complex series of muscles, extending far beyond the six pack abs. It actually includes the entire area besides your arms and legs. (but don't worry, this quick workout will even hit those areas too.)
WHY is it so important we keep our core strong? It's incorporated in almost every movement of the human body. When you have a strong core, not only will you have a flatter belly, you'll feel more stable and your posture will improve because your core wraps all around to the back. So how can we strengthen our core? Get off your back stop doing endless sit-ups.... and start planking!
I love this short workout because it works. I like doing a quick warm up just do get the blood flowing with at least 3 sun salutations on a yoga mat. :)
The 5 minute Plank Workout:
- 1 minute - Full Plank: Make sure you use good form with your shoulders over your hands and a straight line from your head to your toes. Pull your belly button in toward your spine and engage your core. Hold your gaze about a foot in front of your hands which will put your head in the right position. Squeeze the muscles in your legs and glutes, this will help hold a strong plank...and work that booty.
- 30 seconds - Elbow Plank: Same idea as the full plank, just down on your elbows. You can rest your forearms straight out or clasp your hands. Hold your gaze between your hands to keep your neck in alignment.
- 30 seconds - Raised Leg Plank: Elbow plank with one raised leg at a time. No need to lift the leg high, just raising it 6 inches will get the job done and work those glutes! 30 seconds each leg.
- 30 seconds - Side Plank: Elbow side plank with feet stacked and opposite hand on hip. If you can't stack the feet, place the top foot right in front of the other and stagger them for a little more stability. If you need to work up to this, moderate by bending the bottom leg at 90 degrees and rest on your knee Keep the top leg straight. Keep those hips up so your body is in a straight line. Repeat on each side.
- 30 seconds - Full Plank
- 1 minute - Elbow Plank
If you need to work up to this, do the best you can! Summer's coming and it's time to get that core strong so it can make an appearance this summer. Get your core strong and you won't be hiding under your cover up! You'll be confident and stronger! If you do this workout consistently (aim for at least 3 times per week) not only will it be good for those sexy abs, it'll be great for your health.
Have a little extra time, add some squats. Your leg muscles are your biggest muscles in your body, so by keeping them toned, you will keep your metabolism revved up even when your workout is over!
Now, we all know that abs are built in the kitchen, right? So while you're getting stronger, make sure you eat real, nutritious foods and keep your sugar intake under control.
Want to take your belly health to the next level and have an even flatter stomach this summer? It's SO important to keep our GUT as healthy as possible. That's why I take a daily probiotic. Many of us know that we should take probiotics if we've been on antibiotics to replenish good bacteria, but did you know most of us don't have the correct ratio of friendly bacteria in our gut? Our health has everything to do with what's going on in our gut. When our gut isn't in balance with the correct ratio of friendly bacteria, our health can decline...big time. Did you know this is what causes things like gastrointenstinal and digestive Issues, yeast overgrowth, Leaky Gut Syndrome, stress and anxiety, skin conditions (like acne, exzema, and rosacea), and overall weakened immune system??? Most people don't realize that many of those issues can be eliminated by healing our gut. An ideal ratio is 80% good bacteria, 20% bad bacteria. Unless you eat a lot of fermented foods my guess is you're ratio may be off balance. An easy way to ensure that your gut is as healthy as possible is to take a daily probiotic every morning. It will keep your belly flatter too! Here's the probiotic I take every day, it's my favorite because it's made in the USA and I've done my research and know it works the way it should...many probiotics claim to, but fall flat. Add this to your 5 minute Plank Workout and you'll be healthy from the inside out!!
One of my favorite things is to add balance to the mix and do this 5 Minute Plank Workout on my Paddleboard in my pool!